The electrocardiography belt electrode was manufactured for the first time in Iran with official permit from Medical Equipment department of the Ministry of Health by this company.

This belt is a suitable and effective and practical alternative for electrocardiography chest probes. Its main body is made of medical grade silicone. The design and construction of this belt has been done in such a way that the six conducting chest electrodes are correctly placed in the exact place. For male and female adult patients of any weight and size, due to the high elasticity and flexibility of the silicone body we could place the electrodes correctly in a short time and have a clear and noiseless signal. The user should only pay attention to place the 1st and 2nd electrodes correctly, due to the reduction of the effect of the device user and the reduction of human error, in repeating ECG all signals are completely similar and have better diagnostic value.

User friendly ECG belt electrode with possibility to connect to any 12-lead ECG device.

  • Reusable
  • Simple & Fast Application
  • One Size Fits All – Men & Women
  • Compatible with all 12-lead ECG recorders
  • An efficient alternative for chest suctions and chest leads.
  • Eliminating wire tangling while working
  • Applicable for sitting patients.
  • The spacing between the chest electrodes is already adjusted.
  • There is no need to shave chest hair.
  • No noise in the signal


Major problems that ECG device users have in getting ECG signals from their patients are:

  • Failure to attach the chest electrodes appropriately results in receiving an incorrect signal from the patient,
  • The accumulation and deposition of gel in the electrode leads gradually could cause oxidation and loss of conductivity of the electrodes,
  • Cleaning and removing gel of the electrodes is challenging.
  • Difficulty of the chest suctions attachment in patients with chest hair,
  • Necessity of using ECG gel to obtain accurate signal,
  • Time consuming of connecting each chest electrode one by one,
  • Wire tangling

Now thanks to unique design of the belt electrode of Ava Tajhiz Iranian company all mentioned issues are resolved.


A pair of locking belts have been added to the two ends of the cable, and they are easily locked after placing the cable on the patient’s chest. Adjusting the length of these lock belts is possible by user then the patient put the arms on the sides of the body so that the belt electrode is fully stretched.


The new design of the belt cable in which its weight and noise of the signal has been significantly reduced.

Training video for users